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10 Credit Report Terms Mortgage Professionals Should Know

Credit reports represent different things to varying audiences. For consumers, the report represents their past, specifically their history of taking..

June 21, 2021

How CreditXpert Wayfinder Can Help You Win More Business

From the 2008 financial crisis to the global coronavirus pandemic that began in early 2020, within the U.S., consumers have had to contend with some..

May 18, 2021

7 Technology Tools Every Lender Should Be Using

Embracing New Technology to Shape a Better Tomorrow The disruptions and digital transformations of 2020 have rapidly accelerated the lending..

May 4, 2021

What are Credit Supplements & Why Are They Important?

Through the years, pressure has mounted for increased speed and turn time in rendering credit decisions for mortgage applications. One component of..

February 15, 2021

Everybody Has Products. Few Have Our Service!

‘All that glitters is not gold.’ProverbThe attractive external appearance of something is not a reliable indication of its true natureWhat we are..

November 5, 2020

Verifications – Your PreClose Safeguard Options Explained

Who knows how or why, it's just a universal rule that some things just naturally go together – cake and ice cream, burgers and fries, movies and..

November 5, 2020

Patrick Buckner as Informative Research's new Chief Strategy Officer

Informative Research today announced Patrick Buckner as their new Chief Strategy Officer. He will serve on the company’s Executive Team for strategy,..

October 22, 2020

Angela Reeves Brought on Board as Client Success Manager

We're proud to welcome Angela Reeves as IR's newest Client Success Manager. In her new role, Reeves will take an integral role in characterizing..

September 9, 2020

IR Brings on Kelly Richards as Head of Sales Support

We're excited to add Kelly Richards as our new Head of Sales Support Reporting to IR Mortgage President Matthew Orlando, Richards will lead the..

July 27, 2020

Beyond Trended Data: Target Marketing for Your Future Customers

Trended data is a powerful tool: just ask Fannie Mae, who has been using it to improve lending risk assessment. But you can use trended data to..

June 30, 2020