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How Verification of Employment (VOE) Works for Today's Mortgage Lenders

Following the financial crisis of 2008, U.S. policymakers developed new laws and regulations meant to prevent another economic disaster. One of the..

March 9, 2022

Informative Research Names James Boss Executive VP, Client Success

New Role Underscores Client Commitment While Accelerating Focus on Innovation and Growth ST. LOUIS, February 23, 2022 -- Fintech leader Informative..

February 23, 2022

Six Reasons to Hire a Verification of Employment Partner

After record-breaking revenues and volume over the past few years, 2021 has proven to be something of a “pivot” year for the nation’s mortgage..

January 4, 2022

Asset, Employment and Income Verification Basics for Lenders, Landlords and Businesses

Financial transactions managed by mortgage lenders often require a Verification of Employment & Income (VOE/I) to minimize the risk of financial..

December 22, 2021

What Is the FCRA & How Does it Protect Consumers?

What is the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)? The Fair Credit Reporting Act is a federal law that regulates how credit reporting agencies collect..

November 8, 2021

What is a Tri-Merge Credit Report?

A tri-merge credit report is a consolidated report that aggregates the data from all three credit bureaus. The consolidated report allows lenders to..

September 20, 2021

Stewart Strengthens Data and Analytics, Platform-as-a-Service Capabilities by Announcing its Intent to Acquire Informative Research

Informative Research serves more than 3,000 customers across the United States and offers a wide range of mission critical solutions through its..

August 27, 2021

Problems (and Solutions) – Verifying Employment and Income

As we deploy new clients onto our verifications platform, we frequently hear that speed and cost are the primary motivators. However, another..

August 2, 2021

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Selecting a Credit Reporting Vendor

For decades, financial services professionals have bemoaned the slow pace of advancement in innovation and technology, watching healthcare and other..

July 19, 2021

Catelynn Jonhson Brought on Board as Client Success Manager

We're proud to welcome Catelyn Johnson as IR's newest Client Success Manager. In her new role, Johnson will further our strategy for total..

July 5, 2021